From custom plugin development to technical consultation, Hard G offers a variety of services to assist you in making your WordPress and BuddyPress sites as exciting and powerful as they can be. Check out the case studies below to learn about a few recent projects, and get a sense of how Hard G can help you.

Case Study
OpenLab at CUNY City Tech
Providing technical leadership and consultancy for an established project The Context. The mission of the Living Lab at the New York City College of Technology (City Tech) is to draw upon the campus neighbourhood of Brooklyn to create a general education program that is enriched by its location and surroundings. OpenLab is one element of […]
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Case Study
BuddyPress Docs – Attachments
Building a new feature for a client that now forms part of a publically released plugin. The Context. The Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems (CARES) at the University of Missouri was using my BuddyPress Docs plugin on a community site that allows users to author and edit documents collaboratively. While Docs had become […]
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Case Study
Commons In A Box
The CUNY Academic Commons was a popular and innovative platform for scholarly communication. Hard G helped CUNY develop a tool that lets anyone set up their own Commons, in just a few minutes.
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